这是颖网科技继金融行业又开拓的一个新的领域,让中国移动深圳分公司对全数字资讯实现全面掌控。WOS 42寸立式数字海报机在公司的前台处摆放,给人一种耳目一新的感觉,呈现出一道美景。可按照中国移动的公司规划播放主题各式的企业活动宣传、公司管理制度、来宾水牌、公司资讯等信息定时播放。而且支持在不同的地点展示多样化的资讯内容,以视频、图片结合的方式来传递信息,让员工接受人性化关怀而潜移默化的灌输企业理念与制度规范,营造了企业的文化力。
部署的另一代表作品 WOS 42寸横式壁挂海报机,安装放置于电梯口,节目传送到播放终端,彻底改变了传统POP印刷品更新慢、管理难等问题,而且能够与移动公司自身的资讯公开发布平台完美结合,向用户及时传达中国移动的最新要闻及公司动态。
Shenzhen Winonetech is a system developer and service provider of digital signage. Established in 1996, head office located in Shenzhen, China. We commit ourselves to the research & development, producing and sell the whole solutions of digital signage, technology of digital transmission and related terminal display equipment.
Keeping discovering the latest demand in digital signage, owning our self-developed WOS products, which including high-tech contained digital signage products like LED all-in-one advertising players, interactive touch displays, dual screens displays, outdoor displays etc. To meet the personalized demand in information publishing and management, we have developed our own “WOS digital signage software” and solutions for industries like bank and financial etc.
We have served clients from different industries like Bank of Communications Hainan Branch, China Merchants Bank Jiangxi Branch, Agricultural Bank of China Shenzhen Branch, MacDonald in Italy, Media company from Australia etc., we built a high performance system for media informaiton publishing.